Wednesday 12 June 2024


 I went to Goytre House Wood in mid May with my good mate Steve Bool looking mainly for Pied Flycatchers. It's a lovely wood which is owned and maintained by The Gwent Ornithological Society. As you walk up the path towards the entrance you pass some farm buildings where there were loads of House Sparrows in and out of the gaps in the walls making their nests calling loudly they are great characters here's a Male.

male house sparrow

As we entered the Wood there's a small pond where we hoped the Pied Flycatchers would be. There's nest boxes put up as well to encourage them to breed, but sorry to say there were non to be seen. The wood was full of birds though Thrushes, Finches, Tits, Warblers etc, here's a Willow Warbler.

willow warbler


We did briefly see a Spotted Flycatcher but I wasn't quick enough to get a picture. We were lucky enough though to have some great views of a Goldcrest this tiny little bird came down in front of us and I was lucky enough this time to get a couple of shots.


goldcrest (these birds are tiny)

So sad to say we didn't get to see the Flycatchers I don't know why they wasn't there as they've been breeding at this site for a good many years but that's how it goes sometimes, but seeing and photographing the Goldcrest more than made up for it.

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