Sunday 11 December 2016


The spread of the Red Kite from it's only breeding sites in Mid-Wales is at least one conservation success story.
I live right on the border of two county's in South Wales Blainau Gwent and Torfaen where there has been regular sightings of Kites during the last few years. A nest was found four years ago in  Blainau Gwent one chick was ringed and a picture taken by Mr. Steve Roberts under schedule 1 licence. It was the first Red Kite chick to be ringed in the county but sadly the chick didn't make it the nest failed due to heavy rain that spring. It's nesting tree was badly damaged in the autumn storms we think by a lightening strike and so the birds deserted the site altogether.

the first red kite chick to be ringed in blainau gwent
A bit of good news though is that another Kite nest has been found in the county and they have bred successfully over the last couple of years.
And there's more great news a pair have now bred successfully in Torfaen for the first time, where one chick was ringed and picture taken by Kim Kirkbride under schedule 1 licence.

 This is fantastic news for the area but also shows that the Red Kite's are expanding their range, lets hope that they become a common sight in the years to come.

A big thanks to my buddy Stephen Carter for the information and the pictures "cheers mate".