Wednesday 29 May 2024


 Early last Summer my old mate Steven Bool and myself went to a lovely wood near where he lives to do a bit of birding and hopefully capture some images. The wood was alive with the calls of loads of different species, warblers, finches, thrushes and lots more. He had located some territories of Gold and Firecrests which made my adrenalin rush as these two species had been on my photography wish list for some time. We sat and waited and after some time to our sheer delight this little beauty showed up.


Yes a Firecrest what a beauty, we couldn't believe how lucky we were that it came in so close. I rattled off a few pics and then we decided to leave the area as it might still be nesting close by.

 I think this is a female as it lacks any red on the crest. What a feeling it was to see and photograph such a cracking little bird. Big thanks to Steve for his local knowledge, without him I would never have found let alone been able to see these beautiful birds.

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