Thursday 30 May 2024


 Here's a beautiful Buzzard that landed on a lampost near my home recently and stayed there long enough for me to get a few pics before it took off.

buzzard on an old lampost

 A Facebook friend of mine Christian Paul who is a portrait artist asked if he could paint one of the pictures. So of course I told him I'd be very honoured and here is the result.

buzzard portrait

 A very talented young man indeed I was well pleased with it.

Here's a couple more Buzzard pictures I've taken recently and a couple of Red Kite photos as well, these are obviously birds in flight.


red kite

While we're on the subject of raptors here's a Sparrowhawk pic from below which flew over the house recently.


Big thanks to Christian for painting my Buzzard pics a very talented man, I was very humbled that someone wanted to paint one of my pictures it just makes you feel good.

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