Monday, 10 March 2025


My good mate Steve Bool is a self employed courier and had a delivery job down near Salisbury plain where we had gone to see the Great Bustards earlier in the Winter. The weather then was dark and dreary and although we were both over the moon to see the birds the views we had were a bit restrictive. So on this bright and sunny Spring day I was more than happy to accompany him so we could hopefully have better views of these magnificent birds.

On the way there we drove past Stonehenge which I'd never seen before so was an added bonus.


We parked up at the same site we went to first time round and Steve soon located the birds I think he counted about 30 of them in two groups. He soon set his scope up which gave us great views of the birds although the heat haze was a pain the light was very good.

salisbury plain bustards

lovely male

  Here's a short video of the birds just chilling in the sunshine.

Here's one of the males displaying I think they call it foaming, 
and another pic of the birds in one of their small groups.

male displaying

It was great to go back and see the Great Bustards who are now doing so well and have now got a sustainable population thanks to everyone involved in their conservation.

Once again big thanks to Steve for letting me be his co-pilot and allowing me to once more see these beautiful birds. 

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