Tuesday, 18 March 2025


 People that feed the birds in their gardens will if their lucky have a Sparrowhawk visit. They're obviously after the finches, tits, thrushes or any other small birds that visit garden feeders as these make up the mainstay of their diet. The female is larger than the male and will tackle birds as big as a woodpigeon but the male being small will mostly hunt the smaller garden birds. I was lucky enough to have a male Sparrowhawk come into our garden as it tried to grab one of the finches that was feeding on the bird table. Luckily for the Finches it failed this time and so stood on a branch near the feeders and also luckily for myself I had my camera handy.

male sparrowhawk

What a handsome bird, I was that excited that during the brief time it was perched and I was firing away with my camera I cut part of his tail off the photo but never the less I think they came out pretty good. 

close up (look at them eyes)

Here are some of the birds that it was after.


blue tit

coal tit

great tit



song thrush

Great experience seeing him swoop into the feeders, it would be great to think that there's a pair nesting somewhere close but who knows as they're very secretive birds, until the next one cheers.

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