Thursday 4 May 2023


It's good sometimes to have a wonder around the farm to see what's about. Although not massive the Farm is I suppose my local patch and over the years there's been a lot of change, with some birds doing ok and other species no longer breeding or even seen up here. The Yellowhammer, Greenfinch, Lapwing, Whinchat, Curlew, Grey partridge and little owl have all for some reason disappeared.

On the mountain top above the farm there are still good numbers of Skylark and Meadow pipit, I've also seen Snipe Merlin and the occasional Hen Harrier a very rare mountain raptor indeed now, but I wonder how long these will hang on for with the non policing of 4x4 vehicles and scrambling motor bikers ripping up the habitat. 

Opposite the Farm is the Canyons as it is known locally it had steep rock faces with a thick covering of conifers. Firstly during covid someone stuck it on social media and within a couple of weeks the place was awash with youths and families with picnic baskets alcohol and the rest trampling and littering the place with no consideration of the beauty they were damaging. Then the owner of the canyons took all the trees down which has left now bare steep sided mounds. I suppose some birds might move in if that habitat is suitable, but we've lost birds like Coal tit, Siskin, Crossbill, Goldcrest as well as breeding Long eared Owls and Goshawk. Within the canyons there were breeding Peregrines and Raven which could be lost as well.

as it was


as it is now

some of the logs from the fallen trees

At our home every year we try to improve the habitat for the birds with the planting of fruit and berry trees putting up nest boxes has helped our hole nesters and of course the owl boxes. This year we're looking to put a pond in and do more planting with I hope the addition of a privet hedge.

Here's some bird pics now of some of the birds we still have left on the farm.

great tit

tree pipit a summer migrant

swallow another summer visitor








blue tit

coal tit

meadow pipit

We'll have to see what happens in the future, hopefully the local authorities will do more to protect what we've got left, lets hope so, I know I'll be doing my bit it would be a travesty to lose any more species.

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